The Next Big Thing in Social Media

With Facebook racing toward a billion users worldwide and other sites like
Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest boasting millions of log-ins per day, why would we need another social media site? Although today many believe Pinterest is the “next big thing” in mainstream social media, tomorrow, it may be another site.  Some people seem overwhelmed with the amount of
information offered on larger social media sites. Enter smaller, specialized social media websites.

Take Martial Village. Their “dream is to promote the martial art lifestyle – which covers health, fitness, yoga, diet we will do that with stories reflecting the martial art lifestyle.” They also help instructors, trainers and coaches connect with potential clients. This allows people to talk about what they love, without other friends or followers getting tired of their
constant posts about martial arts.

There are many social media sites for runners.  For example, Runner’s Lounge or Breaking The Tape cater specifically to those who want to mingle and compare stats with other runners.  Managing a profile on such a site might be beneficial if your company sells athletic gear or protein supplements.

Specialty sites are not only for the health-minded.  Scrapbooking Society offers a safe haven for those who love all that is artsy and crafty. Must Love Wine allows you to connect socially with other wine lovers. 

While your business is mostly likely best-suited to stay on the big sites like Facebook and Twitter, if your business serves a smaller niche, you may want to consider joining specialty social media sites to promote your company.

Do you already subscribe to any non-mainstream social media sites?  If so, tell us about them!


Alison has worked with clients of all sizes, from sole proprietors to television networks and financial institutions, including HBO, CBS, Showtime, Charles Schwab, and The Body Shop. In her career at DoubleClick, Google, and Infogroup, she learned social media, email marketing, SEO, and web design from the people inventing the standards. She makes a mean flourless chocolate cake.